Penyesuaian Tarif PCR

Penyesuaian Tarif PCR

Indonesia harus merdeka dari Covid-19!! untuk screning Covid-19, Hermina Bogor menyesuaikan tarif untuk PCR Swab Test dan Antigen Swab Test. PCR Swab Test Rp. 495.000,- Antigen Swab Test Rp. 90.000,- Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi : 0812-9692-3988 _ S...



Salam sehat, sahabat Hermina... Kami dari RS.Hermina Makassar melaksanakan vaksin gotong royong perusahaan. Tanggal 18 Agustus, sebanyak 68 orang karyawan PT. Lintasarta telah melakukan vaksinasi gotong royong bersama RS.Hermina Makassar. Program vaksinasi ini merupakan salah satu upaya pencegah...

Screening COVID-19

Screening COVID-19

Indonesia harus MERDEKA dari COVID-19! Harga swab PCR berubah menjadi Rp. 525.000 dan antigen menjadi Rp. 90.000 *Jadwal pengambilan sampel antigen: Setiap hari (24jam) Penurunan harga tes PCR ini sebagai salah satu upaya memperbanyak jumlah masyarakat yang ingin melakukan test dan mendor...

Vaksin Gotong Royong bersama RS Hermina Ciputat

Vaksin Gotong Royong bersama RS Hermina Ciputat

Sahabat Hermina, RS Hermina Ciputat mendukung pemerintah dalam mempercepat program Vaksinasi COVID-19. Rumah Sakit Hermina Ciputat menjadi team vaksinator dalam kegiatan VGR (Vaksin Gotong Royong) untuk seluruh karyawan Bank DKI cabang Juanda, Jakarta Pusat. Kegiatan Vaksin Gotong Royong diadaka...

RSU Hermina Pandanaran Implements Mutual Cooperation Vaccines, Employees of PT. Suryo Renggo Vaccination Container

RSU Hermina Pandanaran Implements Mutual Cooperation Vaccines, Employees of PT. Suryo Renggo Vaccination Container

Vaccination for workers in industrial areas is expected to help accelerate the recovery of the national economy, said PT Surya Rengo Containers HRD Frans Rumokov. Vaccination for employees is also expected to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in industrial areas, factories, and other producti...

Hermina's Friend Gynecological Examination at Hermina Padang Hospital comes with an attractive promo package Of course with the best facilities and services Pelayanan Hermina's friends who want to check the womb can contact PMO Hermina Padang on WA 082284573618 or click link

Hello Hermina Friends Hermina's Friend Child Development Clinic Therapy at Hermina Padang Hospital comes with an attractive promo package Of course with the best facilities and services and more affordable prices Harga Information and Registration contact 0751-897 2525

Hermina's Friend Delivery at Hermina Padang Hospital comes with an attractive promo package Of course with complete facilities and cheaper prices Harga For information, contact PMO Hermina Padang on WA 082284573618 or click the link

Hello Hermina friends. Now Hermina Padang Hospital has been equipped with CT-Scan examination service facilities. CT-Scan examination is a procedure that uses X-rays with computer-processed results to produce images in sections so that you can see each part of the image taken in more detail....

Hello Hermina Friends RSU Hermina Padang again offers an attractive offer for Sahabat Hermina in the form of a Circumcision Package (Circumcision) Circumcision with General Practitioner Rp. 550,000 Circumcision with a specialist doctor Rp. 2,657,000 * fare outside of complications Com...

Hermina Hospital Karawang Job Vacancies

Hermina Hospital Karawang Job Vacancies

Hello Hermina Friends... RS Hermina Karawang opens the opportunity to work as a Full Timer / Part Timer Doctor: - General practitioners - Lung Specialist - Ophthalmologist - ENT Specialist - Pediatrician - Internal Medicine Specialist Complete CV can be sent to emai...

 Independent Isolation of Children with Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Independent Isolation of Children with Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Hello Hermina Friends Along with the current increase in COVID-19 cases, many children are infected with the COVID-19 virus and must self-isolate. Mom and Dad don't need to worry, because your little one can run independently in peace with the supervision of a Pediatrician from Hermina Ciputa...

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