SOCIAL SERVICES HERMINA MEKARSARI Hospital, Cleaning Sadang River in Cileungsi Area
In commemoration of the 37th Anniversary of Hermina Hospitals. On Friday, April 1, 2022, Hermina Mekarsari Hospital held a Social Service for Cleaning the Sadang River in the area around the Hospital.
The activity is carried out as an environmental sustainability program that supports government programs, especially in the Cileungsi area.
The Sadang River Cleaning Social Service was attended by representatives of several agencies including the Head of Cileungsi Police, Danramil, Head of BPJSTK Cileungsi Branch, Cileungsi Kidul Village, Bogor District Health Office, Cileungsi District, BPJS Kesehatan Bogor Regency Branch, Metland Estate Manager.
The Sadang River Cleaning activity was opened at 09.00 by the Director of Hermina Mekarsari Hospital, dr. Douglas S. Umboh, MARS which was also attended by the Hospital Management and the entire Social Service committee.
It is hoped that this activity will make Hermina Mekarsari Hospital increasingly known by the public, especially the Cileungsi area, Bogor Regency and its surroundings and increase synergy with all surrounding agencies