Symptoms and Causes of Nystagmus

Symptoms and Causes of Nystagmus

Definition of Nystagmus
Nystagmus is a condition when the eyeballs make rapid and repetitive movements involuntarily. There are two causes, namely Infantile nystagmus syndrome (genetic) and Acquired nystagmus factors (other disease disorders), conditions that have the potential to cause acquired nystagmus, such as:
 - Head injury
 - Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks
 - Eye diseases, such as cataracts and crossed eyes (strabismus)
 - Vitamin B12 deficiency

Symptoms experienced by Nystagmus:
- Balance disorders
- Nauseous
- Difficulty seeing in the dark
- Dizzy
- Feeling vibrating when standing
- Vertigo
- Visual disturbances, such as shadowy vision

Prevention of Nystagmus
In general, there is no special prevention in cases of infantile nystagmus syndrome, which is a hereditary disease. However, in acquired nystagmus caused by certain conditions, prevention can be done by avoiding factors that can increase the risk of this condition occurring, such as:

- Avoid head injuries by wearing a helmet or seat belt when driving
- Avoid consuming alcoholic drinks
- Fulfill vitamin intake
- Adopt a healthy lifestyle, including consuming nutritious food, exercising regularly and drinking enough
- Stop using drugs that can trigger nystagmus and replace them with other treatments as recommended by your doctor

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