Hermina Talk Breast Cancer Prevention as Early as Possible
Do you know Friends of Hermina, breast cancer is currently the highest cause of death for women. According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, it was recorded that in 2020 there were 68,858 cases with 22,000 deaths. Hermina Bekasi Hospital held a Hermina Talk with the theme Breast cancer Prevention As Early as Possible with resource persons dr. M Yadi Permana, Sp.B(K)Onk who is an Oncoogy Consultant Surgeon. This activity was held on 11 June 2023 which was attended by 112 participants who are members of the Hermina Cancer Warrior and Cancer Patients community at Hermina Bekasi. In Hermina Talk dr. M Yadi Permana, Sp.B(K)Onk said that if a person has a family history of breast cancer or other cancers, the doctor may suggest a blood test to help identify specific mutations in BRCA or other genes that are passed down through heredity. Prevent breast cancer by doing a BSE examination (check the RI breasts). Breast exams cannot prevent breast cancer, but they can help identify signs and symptoms of breast cancer. And also avoid cancer-triggering foods such as alcohol, processed products, burnt red meat. Hermina Bekasi Hospital has a Center of Excellence, one of which is Oncology and Radiotherapy Service Center, we are committed to providing the best service specifically for cancer patients with specialist doctors and facilities with the best technology. Hermina Bekasi Hospital is committed to educating the public. Follow Instagram @rsuherminabekasi to get more education. Be healthy with Hermina Bekasi Hospital. #rsuherminabekasi #calmdihermina