National Quality Indicators for Hand Hygiene Compliance

National Quality Indicators for Hand Hygiene Compliance

Based on Minister of Health Regulation Number 30 of 2022 concerning National Indicators for the Quality of Health Services in Independent Practice Places for Doctors and Dentists, Clinics, Community Health Centers, Hospitals, Health Laboratories and Blood Transfusion Units, Hermina Kendari General Hospital takes part in monitoring national indicators quality that will be accountable up to the National Level. One of the national indicators of quality that is monitored is hand hygiene.
Hand hygiene is the process of cleaning dirt or microorganisms on the hands that are obtained through contact with patients, other health workers and environmental surfaces (transient flora) by using antiseptic soap under running water or using an alcohol-based handrub. Hand hygiene (Hand Hygiene) includes Handwash, Handrub, Surgical handwashing. The achievement of hand hygiene compliance in TW I in 2024 is 93% of the standard ≥85%

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