In the medical world, there are symbol codes or colors to indicate a class of drugs, such as the color code attached to the drug packaging, starting from blue, red, green and many others. Get to know the symbols and color codes.
1. Blue Color Symbol (limited over-the-counter drugs)
This blue circle and black border are actually included in hard drugs, but we can get them without a doctor's prescription. The use of drugs with this symbol must be careful, according to the rules on the packaging, and it is better if with a doctor's prescription.
This is the reason why it is called limited over-the-counter drugs.
2. Green Color Symbol (over-the-counter drugs)
A green circle with a black border indicates over-the-counter drugs. Over-the-counter drugs are drugs that are sold freely on the market and can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. 3. Red Symbol and the letter K (hard drugs)
A red circle and a black border and the letter K touching the border is a hard drug. This is a drug that requires a prescription from a doctor.
4. Yellow Symbol and Green Branch (Herbal Medicine)
A green circle and a green branch image are herbal medicines that are traditionally available.
This type of medicine consists of several ingredients that make up herbal medicine
5. White Symbol and Red Cross Medal (narcotic drugs)
A white circle and a red border and a picture of a ‘Red Cross Medal’ in the circle.
The use of this medicine is only based on a prescription from a doctor signed by the doctor and the doctor's practice license number on the prescription, and cannot use a copy of the prescription.
6. Yellow and Snowflake Symbol (phytopharmaca medicine)
A yellow circle with a green border and a picture of a snowflake in a circle is the meaning of the symbol of phytopharmaca. Phytopharmaca is a medicine whose content consists of natural ingredients that have gone through preclinical and clinical trials, so that it is equivalent to modern medicine.
7. Yellow and 3 Star Symbol (standardized herbal medicine)
A yellow circle with a green border and a picture of three green stars is the logo of standardized herbal medicine (OHT). It is a medicine that is extracted from natural ingredients, including plants, animals, and minerals.