Get to know Varicose veins and their treatment on the Hermina Podcast

Get to know Varicose veins and their treatment on the Hermina Podcast

Hermina's friends, Varicose veins are a medical condition that involves swelling and widening of the veins below the surface of the skin. It often occurs in the feet and calves, although it can occur in other parts of the body.


Come see the podcast here:


Come on, let's find out more with Dr. Jihan Luqmannul Khakim, SpBTKV, Subsp. VE (K), a specialist in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery at RSU Hermina Bogor.


The following is his practice schedule:

Monday: 17.00–19.00

Tuesday: 17.00–19.00

Wednesday: 17.00–19.00

Thursday: 17.00–19.00

Friday: 17.00–19.00


Appointment now:


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1. Hermina Mobile Application (available on the Play Store and App Store)

2. Website:

3. Call Center: 1500488 4. Hallodoc


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