Meet Your Expert "Healthy Diet for Radiotherapy Patients"
Cancer is a chronic disease that occurs due to uncontrolled changes in cell growth, attacking the closest biological tissue and migrating to other body tissues through the blood circulation or the lymphatic system from within the body or outside the body. There is a close relationship between nutrition and malignancy both by means of prevention and treatment. Meal management is very necessary to prevent side effects, prevent nutrient deficiencies and optimize quality of life. Optimizing the provision of nutrition by paying attention to the presence of impaired taste, nausea, vomiting, feeling of pain and other disorders. Hermina Bekasi Hospital conducts Meet Your Expert for patients and their families in the waiting room of the outpatient polyclinic with resource persons Lilik Kurniati, S.Gz Nutritionist at Hermina Bekasi Hospital with the theme Healthy Diet for Radiotherapy Patients When presenting Mrs. Lili Kurniati's material, S.Gz gave tips on how to eat and live to prevent cancer, namely: Maintaining a normal weight throughout life Consume healthy food with balanced nutrition, according to the guidelines for my plate Limit consumption of processed red meat and red meat Consume vegetables and fruit ½ of the contents of the plate; 1/3 of fruit and 2/3 of vegetables Choose foods that are less salted/preserved using nitrites Minimize caffeine and alcohol Hermina Bekasi Hospital is committed to educating the public. Follow Instagram @rsuherminabekasi to get more education. Be healthy with Hermina Bekasi Hospital. #rsuherminabekasi #calmdihermina