Financial Preparation Before Childbirth at Hermina Padang Hospital with DEPOMIL

Financial Preparation Before Childbirth at Hermina Padang Hospital with DEPOMIL

Hello Hermina Friends
One of the things that need to be prepared during pregnancy is funds for later delivery, the mother-to-be should prepare from the beginning of pregnancy.

Hermina Padang Hospital provides a solution for Friends of Hermina with the DEPOMIL (Pregnant Mother Deposit) program / saving for labor costs and the benefit of getting a delivery discount.

Come to Hermina Padang Hospital, fill out the DEPOMIL registration form.

For further information, please contact:


Midwife Dila 082284573618

Consult your friends' health with Hermina
To make it easier to access services and registration at Hermina Padang Hospital, here's how:

1. Download the mobile application on Playstore PT Medika Loka Hermina TBK (available for android)
2. Call center 1500488

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