Cataract Outreach and Screening for Retirees PT. Pertamina Persero

Cataract Outreach and Screening for Retirees PT. Pertamina Persero

In commemoration of World Sight Day, which is combined with Pertamina's Arisan Pensiunan activities, Hermina Makassar General Hospital participated by providing outreach and cataract screening specifically for PT Pensiunan participants. Pertamina Persero together with resource person Dr. H. Darwis, Sp.M. He is one of the eye specialists at RSU Hermina Makassar.

Note the day and date:

Tuesday, October 10 2023

Time: 11.00 WITA

Place: Jl. Toddopuli VII No. 1 Makassar

For further information, please contact:

0811-415-945 (Nadja)

0853-4398-4256 (Supreme)

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