Hermina Talk Breast Cancer Prevention as Early as Possible

Hermina Talk Breast Cancer Prevention as Early as Possible

Do you know Friends of Hermina, breast cancer is currently the highest cause of death for women. According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, it was recorded that in 2020 there were 68,858 cases with 22,000 deaths. Hermina Bekasi Hospital held a Hermina Talkwith the theme Breast ca...

The Right Time to Start a Pregnant Program

The Right Time to Start a Pregnant Program

Friends of Hermina, line 2 warriors,pregnancy is a very special journey in a woman's life. The decision to start a pregnancy program is an important step that needs to be considered carefully. One factor that needs to be considered is the right time to start a pregnancy program Hermina Bekasi H...

Meet Your Expert "Healthy Diet for Radiotherapy Patients"

Meet Your Expert "Healthy Diet for Radiotherapy Patients"

Cancer is a chronic disease that occurs due to uncontrolled changes in cell growth, attacking the closest biological tissue and migrating to other body tissues through the blood circulation or the lymphatic system from within the body or outside the body. There is a close relationship between nu...

Eye Clinic Sub Specialty Hospital Herina Bekasi

Eye Clinic Sub Specialty Hospital Herina Bekasi

Do you know Hermina's friends, One of the most important health checks that is done regularly is an eye check. The older a person is, the health of their eyes and visual function is more likely to be disturbed. Therefore, eye examination needs to be done to maintain good eye function. Having hea...

Fertility Class "Complete Insemination in Infertile Couples" Hermina Bekasi Hospital

Fertility Class "Complete Insemination in Infertile Couples" Hermina Bekasi Hospital

Friends of Hermina, line 2 fighters, know that insemination is one of the methods used to support the husband and wife's pregnancy program. Insemination is an alternative to getting pregnant by placing sperm in a woman's uterus to help with the fertilization process. Hermina Bekasi Hospital held...

Hermina Talks "Balanced Nutrition for Active Women"

Hermina Talks "Balanced Nutrition for Active Women"

You know Hermina's friends, every woman has different activities and levels of activity. Apart from affecting health,nutritional needs are also needed. Active women not only need regular exercise, but also balanced nutrition. In the context of International Women's Day, Hermina Bekasi Hospital c...

Cancer Talk "Recognize the Early Symptoms of Cancer in Children"

Cancer Talk "Recognize the Early Symptoms of Cancer in Children"

Did Hermina's Friends know, cancer can occur at any age, even in newborns. The incidence of cancer in children is increasing. Cancer in children is different from cancer in adults. Hermina Bekasi Hospital held a "Cancer Talk" with the theme Recognize Early Symptoms of Cancer in Children with re...

Soft Opening Tulip Clinic (HIV PDP Clinic) Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Soft Opening Tulip Clinic (HIV PDP Clinic) Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Based on data from the Bekasi City Health Office, there were 554 HIV cases from January to August 2022. The most HIV cases were recorded last August. Based on the data, people with HIV in Bekasi City are dominated by residents aged 25-49 years with 375 people, then the age range of 20-24 years w...

Oncology and Radiotherapy Service Center Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Oncology and Radiotherapy Service Center Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Cancer is one of the highest health problems in Indonesia. Based on Riskesdas data, the prevalence of tumors/cancer in Indonesia showed an increase from 1.4 per 1000 population in 2013 to 1.79 per 1000 population in 2018. Meanwhile, data from the Global Burden of Cancer Study (Globocan) from the...

Grand Opening of Oncology and Radiotherapy Service Center Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Grand Opening of Oncology and Radiotherapy Service Center Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Established in 1997, now Hermina Bekasi Hospital provides superior services in the field of comprehensive cancer treatment, with the latest methods supported by advanced technology, namely Oncology and Radiotherapy Services. The Grand Opening of Oncology and Radiotherapy Services will be held o...

MCU Onsite PT Sugity Creative Indonesia with Hermina Hospital Bekasi

MCU Onsite PT Sugity Creative Indonesia with Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Employee Medical Check Up (MCU) is one of the Occupational Health and Safety (K3) programs that need to be carried out by each company to find out the current condition of the health of employees or prospective employees. This is important so that the company can determine the ability of employe...

Seminar on Emotion Control Tips During Menopose

Seminar on Emotion Control Tips During Menopose

Did you know, Hermina's friend, when entering menopause, women will experience emotional changes. Women who enter menopause tend to change their mood easily, get angry easily, or be offended. So, what actually causes menopausal women to be more irritable? As women get older, women realize that ...

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