Siaran Radio Zenit dengan Narasumber Dokter Spesialis Saraf Hermina Salatiga dr. Arjanto Ramadian W, Sp.N yang akan membahas "Migren"

Siaran Radio Zenit dengan Narasumber Dokter Spesialis Saraf Hermina Salatiga dr. Arjanto Ramadian W, Sp.N yang akan membahas "Migren"

Siaran Radio Zenit dengan Narasumber Dokter Spesialis Saraf Hermina Salatiga dr. Arjanto Ramadian W, Sp.N yang akan membahas "Migren" #hermina #herminasalatiga #tenangdihermina #infosalatiga #salatigahits #salatiga #explorsalatiga



Recognize, Understand, and Control Hypertension Holistically #herminasalatiga #salatiga #hospitalssalatiga

Radio streaming

Radio streaming

Radio BroadcastGajahmada with Lung Specialist Doctor Hermina Salatiga dr. Astuti Setyawati, Sp.P who will discuss the "Differences between an Ordinary Cough and a TB Cough"

Hermina Talks

Hermina Talks

Hermina Talks

Health Education Activities

Health Education Activities

Nikmati kemudahan pendaftaran melalui : 1. Hermina Mobile Aplikasi (tersedia di Playstore/Appstore) 2. Website : 3. Call Center : 1500488 4. Hallodoc #herminalebihdekat #HerminaHospitals #rsiaherminamutairabundasalatiga #staysafe #stayhealthy

Health Education Activities

Health Education Activities

Nikmati kemudahan pendaftaran melalui : 1. Hermina Mobile Aplikasi (tersedia di Playstore/Appstore) 2. Website : 3. Call Center : 1500488 4. Hallodoc #herminalebihdekat #HerminaHospitals #rsiaherminamutairabundasalatiga #staysafe #stayhealthy

Health Education Activities

Health Education Activities

Nikmati kemudahan pendaftaran melalui : 1. Hermina Mobile Aplikasi (tersedia di Playstore/Appstore) 2. Website : 3. Call Center : 1500488 4. Hallodoc #herminalebihdekat #HerminaHospitals #rsiaherminamutairabundasalatiga #staysafe #stayhealthy

Meet The Doctor

Meet The Doctor

The Meet The Doctor activity is an activity that is routinely carried out every week by medical personnel, general practitioners, pharmacists, and other parts of this activity. This activity aims to educate hospital visitors to be aware of health and maintain a healthy environment. Stay hea...

Vaccination Schedule

Vaccination Schedule

Immunization Schedule Vaccination is the process of administering a vaccine by injecting or dripping the vaccine into the mouth. Vaccination is divided into a basic schedule and a repeat vaccine schedule. In fact, there are vaccines that require repetition when the child reaches a certain age...

RSIA Hermina Mutiara Mother of Salatiga In collaboration with the Salatiga City Persadia Gymnastics Community

RSIA Hermina Mutiara Mother of Salatiga In collaboration with the Salatiga City Persadia Gymnastics Community

RSIA Hermina Mutiara Bunda Salatiga bekerja sama dengan komunitas senam persadia kota salatiga melakukan kegiatan senam rutin di halaman parkir RS Hermina Salatiga dimana di akhir sesi senam akan ada penyuluhan kesehatan terhadap peserta senam yang di isi oleh dokter umum RS Hermina Salatiga ...

Health service counseling activities at the Mangunsari Village Office, Salatiga

Health service counseling activities at the Mangunsari Village Office, Salatiga

Health service counseling activities at the Mangunsari Village Office, Salatiga, together with dr. Ari Ramuningsih (Director of Hospital)

Hello Hermina Online Consultation

Hello Hermina Online Consultation

Hello Hermina, Remote Consultation Service with Professional Doctors RSIA Hermina Mutiara Bunda Salatiga Hello Friends of Hermina, maintaining health is important for you and your family, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. If Friends of Hermina feel the symptoms of flu and mild cough, i...

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