Hermina Samarinda Fun Walk

Hermina Samarinda Fun Walk

Commemorating the 39th Anniversary of Hermina Hospital, Hermina Samarinda Hospital has just held a Hermina Fun Walk at the Shopping Tourism Islamic Center Samarinda. This activity was followed by more than 967 communities from the region of Samarinda City and its surroundings. With Hermina,...

Has joined as a heart and blood vessel specialist at Hermina Samarinda Hospital

Has joined as a heart and blood vessel specialist at Hermina Samarinda Hospital

Has joined Hermina Samarinda Hospital Dr. Syifa Mahmud Syukran Ambar, Sp.JP ( Dokter Spesialis Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah di RS Hemrina Samarinda)

Has joined the Neurosurgery Specialist at Hermina Samarinda Hospital

Has joined the Neurosurgery Specialist at Hermina Samarinda Hospital

Has joined the Hospital Hermina Samarinda Dr. Mustaqim Apriyansa Rahmadhan, Sp.BS. M.Kes. Clinic of Medical Specialists of Neural Surgery. To check the schedule can be through: * Hermina Mobile App * Website (link is in bio) * Call Center 1500488 ♪ Herminahospitals ♪ herminasamarinda ♪ neur...

39 Years Hermina Hospital Group

39 Years Hermina Hospital Group

In celebration of Hermina Hospital's 39th anniversary. Rs Hermina Padang is holding a series of celebratory events from 8 - 25 April 2024 including: Posyandu renovation This activity is part of the CSR of Hermina Padang Hospital. Posyandu renovations will be carried out in Lolong Belanti sub...

We're Hiring

We're Hiring

Urgently Needed... Let's join as part of RS Hermina Ciruas Contact the number above for more information...

Hermina Hospitals 39th Anniversary

Hermina Hospitals 39th Anniversary

In order to celebrate the 39th anniversary of Hermina Hospitals Group and the 4th anniversary of RSU Hermina Kendari, RSU Hermina Kendari is holding a series of events which have been held since several months ago. This series of events closed with the peak night of the Hermina Hospitals Grou...

Gathering and Halal bi Halal Hermina Solo Hospital, Spicy Ambulance & Solo Raya Volunteers with Dr. Indra Sapta, Sp.B

Gathering and Halal bi Halal Hermina Solo Hospital, Spicy Ambulance & Solo Raya Volunteers with Dr. Indra Sapta, Sp.B

The event took place on: Wednesday, April 24 2024 #CalmInHermina #HerminaCloser #RSUHerminaSolo

Hermina Bogor Reconstructive & Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Services

Hermina Bogor Reconstructive & Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Services

Aesthetic Reconstructive Plastic Surgery provides services to improve appearance with plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is a branch of medical science that focuses on repairing body tissue or skin damaged by certain conditions, such as burns, accidents, and others. RS Hermina Bogor Plasti...

Social Service Activities and Health Checks by Mawar Sharon Peduli x RSU Hermina Purwokwerto

Social Service Activities and Health Checks by Mawar Sharon Peduli x RSU Hermina Purwokwerto

Hello Hermina Friends 👋🏻 Social Service Activities and Medical Check Up. RSU Hermina Purwokerto as Medical support in MCU examinations for Kartini Day in collaboration with Mawar Sharon Peduli, GMS Purwoketo. This activity will be carried out on Sunday, April 21 2024. Registration can be a...

Free Medical Seminars

Free Medical Seminars

Free Medical Seminar for Doctors and Medical Personnel About Code Stroke and Chemotherapy at Hermina Hospital, Padang. Seminar will be held on: Day: Tuesday 23 April 2024 Time: 09.00 WIB - Finish Venue: Multipurpose Hall of Hermina Padang Hospital Resource person: dr. I. Fadhilah. S, Sp.N, ...

Selamat Bergabung dr. Lily Wongso, Sp.JP di RSU Hermina Manado

Selamat Bergabung dr. Lily Wongso, Sp.JP di RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sahabat Hermina ... Selamat bergabung dengan RS Hermina Manado kepada dr.@lilywongsoSpesialis Jantung & Pembuluh Darah dan siap melayani sahabat Hermina semua, untuk jadwal praktek dapat di akses melalui website dan mobile aplikasi Halo Hermina.

Cough Ethics

Cough Ethics

Cough etiquette is practiced to avoid transmitting disease to people you loved.

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