BHD Training Activities and Evacuation of Accident Victims for Ambulance Drivers in Samarinda Commemorating Hermina HUT's 39th Anniversary

BHD Training Activities and Evacuation of Accident Victims for Ambulance Drivers in Samarinda Commemorating Hermina HUT's 39th Anniversary

Commemorating Hermina HUT’s 39th Anniversary, Hermina Samarinda Hospital holds Basic Life Aid (BHD) training activities and Evacuation of Accident Victims for Ambulance Drivers in Samarinda City The event attended as many as 60 participants from all the Driver Ambulance that are in Samarind...

Anti-Snake Venom Service at RSU Hermina Purwokerto

Anti-Snake Venom Service at RSU Hermina Purwokerto

Hello Hermina Friends 👋 Snakes are dangerous reptiles, especially if they contain venom/venom that can threaten life. See the first procedure for dealing with snake bites below. If a Hermina friend is bitten by a snake, Hermina Purwokerto Hospital can handle it. Access to registration can ...

Kendari City Midwife Meeting

Kendari City Midwife Meeting

clear 1,008/5,000 Translation results Translation result Hermina Kendari General Hospital is a hospital that offers general hospital services and has developed comprehensive services. supported by specialist care. In carrying out its functions, Hermina Kendari General Hospita...

Hermina Talks RSU Hermina Kendari at the Kendari High Court Office

Hermina Talks RSU Hermina Kendari at the Kendari High Court Office

Hermina Talks is an activity with the aim of providing health education and sharing information about services at RSU Hermina Kendari delivered by doctors at RSU Hermina Kendari Education regarding "Getting to Know the Superior Services of RSU Hermina Kendari" presented by Dr. Fauziah Novrini K.A...

EEG services at RSU Hermina Purwokerto

EEG services at RSU Hermina Purwokerto

Hello Hermina Friends 👋 EEG is useful for detecting electrical activity in the brain using small metal discs (electrodes) attached to the scalp. Brain cells communicate via electrical impulses and are active at all times, even when sleeping. This activity is then displayed as a wavy line on t...

Cooperation between Hermina Pekalongan Hospital and the Population and Civil Registration Office of Pekalongan and Batang Districts

Cooperation between Hermina Pekalongan Hospital and the Population and Civil Registration Office of Pekalongan and Batang Districts

Hello Hermina friends, now we have also collaborated with the Population and Civil Registration Office of Pekalongan and Batang Districts in the service of obtaining birth certificates, KK and Kia for newborns at Hermina Pekalongan. For labor patients who live in Pekalongan City, Pekalongan Rege...

64 Slice CT-Scan

64 Slice CT-Scan

X-ray examination is supported by dividing up to 64 segments. This allows you to see the organs in more detail. Special examinations of the brain (brain trauma) and contrast are available. A CT scan (computerized tomography) is a medical examination that uses a combination of x-ray technology...

Vaccination for CHICKENPOX (Varicella)

Vaccination for CHICKENPOX (Varicella)

🌟 Good news from RSIA HERMINA Mutiara Bunda Salatiga! 🌟 We proudly announce our vaccination service for Varicella, commonly known as Chickenpox. 🐔💉 Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the Varicella virus. It spreads through airborne droplets or direct contact with the lesions or ras...

Exercise & Health Check-up by Persadia (Indonesian Diabetes Association) Salatiga.

Exercise & Health Check-up by Persadia (Indonesian Diabetes Association) Salatiga.

Hello Hermina Friends, Great success! 💪 The exercise and health check-up by Persadia (Indonesian Diabetes Association) Salatiga were excellently conducted at RSIA HERMINA Mutiara Bunda Salatiga on March 9, 2024. The event also provided health counseling on fasting tips for those with diabetes...

Here's Hermina Talk on Radio Suara Salatiga 99.9 FM: Dengue Fever in Children

Here's Hermina Talk on Radio Suara Salatiga 99.9 FM: Dengue Fever in Children

Hello Hermina Friends, 🎙️ Thank you to everyone who joined us in the Health Talk at RSIA HERMINA Mutiara Bunda Salatiga on Radio Suara Salatiga! 📻 On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at 10:00 AM WIB, Dr. Afriliana Mulyani Sp.A, Pediatric Specialist, discussed Dengue Fever in Children. Our event was...

Poliklinik Kulit & Kelamin RSU Hermina Manado

Poliklinik Kulit & Kelamin RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sahabat Hermina ..... RSU Hermina Manado dilengkapi dengan Poliklinik Kulit Kelamin dan tentunya dengan dokter-dokter spesialis kulit kelamin yang sangat berkompeten dibidangnya. Untuk sahabat hemrina yang memiliki keluhan jangan ragu untuk segera konsultasikan bersama dokter kami. ...

Berapa yah kisaran biaya persalinan operasi di RS Hermina Manado ?

Berapa yah kisaran biaya persalinan operasi di RS Hermina Manado ?

Halo sahabat Hermina ... Ada rencana untuk persalinan SC (operasi) tapi masi bingung berapa biaya yang harus disiapkan ? Nah berarti tarif persalinan operasi yang berlaku selama tahun 2024 di RSU Hermina Manado. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi nomor pada postingan tsb yah sa...

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