Free Birth Certificate Arrangement at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Free Birth Certificate Arrangement at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Hello Hermina Friends, Get free birth certificates for women giving birth at RSU Hermina Pandanaran. RSU Hermina makes it easy to make birth certificates for new mothers and fathers. We provide free birth certificates for private financing, private insurance, company & BPJS patients wi...

Health Education at Hermina Hospital Pekalongan with PT. Urip Sugiharto on World AIDS Day

Health Education at Hermina Hospital Pekalongan with PT. Urip Sugiharto on World AIDS Day

On the occasion of World AIDS Day, Hermina Hospital Pekalongan held health education and socialization with PT Urip Sugiharto as a form of concern for AIDS.

Malang Mayor Award at Malang City Musrenbang Event

Malang Mayor Award at Malang City Musrenbang Event

The event initiated by Bappeda Malang City was officially attended by Pj. Mayor of Malang, Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM. Furthermore, the number one person in Malang City stated that proposals from musrenbang that have not been accommodated using Malang City APBD funds are expected to be accommo...

Hermina Hospital Solo Medical Check-Up with PNM Surakarta Employees

Hermina Hospital Solo Medical Check-Up with PNM Surakarta Employees

The event took place on: Friday, December 15 2023 #MCU #HerminaCloser #CalmInHermina

Hermina Hospital Solo Medical Check-Up with BRI Pensioners

Hermina Hospital Solo Medical Check-Up with BRI Pensioners

The event took place on: Wednesday, December 13 2023 At the Bandungan Culinary Palace #MCU #CalmInHermina #HerminaCloser

In order to welcome Mother's Day, RSU Hermina Solo distributes gifts to patients

In order to welcome Mother's Day, RSU Hermina Solo distributes gifts to patients

Activities have taken place on: Friday, December 22 2023 #CalmInHermina #HerminaCloser

Squatting for Too Long Causes Hemorrhoids?

Squatting for Too Long Causes Hemorrhoids?

Enlargement or swelling of the anus, which we commonly know as hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids, really bothers us in carrying out our activities, especially for those of us who work mostly sitting in the office. Without us realizing it, hemorrhoids usually occur due to our own mistakes Want to know...

"The Risks Behind Obesity" podcast

"The Risks Behind Obesity" podcast

Friends of Hermina, Obesity is a disorder involving excessive body fat that can increase risk factors for health problems. Let's watch the full video on Youtube >>Hermina Hospitals<< Here is his practice schedule: Monday: 16.00 - 17.00 Wednesday: 16.00 - 17.00 ...

Health Talk dan Mini Medical Checkup  PT Gapura Angkasa Padang.

Health Talk dan Mini Medical Checkup PT Gapura Angkasa Padang.

Health Talk and Mini Medical Checkup at Hermina Hospital Padang with PT Gapura Angkasa Padang. This activity was held directly at the PT Gapura Angkasa Padang office on Wednesday 20 December 2023 and presented a specialist in internal medicine at Hermina Hospital Padang, dr. Diego Leagenia, S...

Mini MCU, Doctor Consultation at Kindergarten-Paud Coloring Celebration Event throughout the Regency. Karanganyar

Mini MCU, Doctor Consultation at Kindergarten-Paud Coloring Celebration Event throughout the Regency. Karanganyar

Activities have taken place on: Sunday, December 10 2023 at the Karanganyar Regent's Official House #CalmInHermina #HerminaCloser #MCU

RSU Hermina Solo Health Talk at Focus Independent School

RSU Hermina Solo Health Talk at Focus Independent School

Activities have taken place on: Wednesday, 06 December 2023 Resource person: dr. Lusiana, SpGK #CalmInHermina #HerminaCloser #NutritionalClinic #Nutritional Doctor

RSU Hermina Solo Held a Lay Seminar for Mother's Day with Dr Shinta Riana, SpA and Dini Rosa, S.Si

RSU Hermina Solo Held a Lay Seminar for Mother's Day with Dr Shinta Riana, SpA and Dini Rosa, S.Si

The event took place : Tuesday, December 19 2023 #HerminaCloser #CalmInHermina #Mother's Day

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