Poundfit RS Hermina Solo
Activities have taken place on: Friday, 03 November 2023 In the context of HKN 2023 #HerminaCloser #CalmInHermina
Activities have taken place on: Friday, 03 November 2023 In the context of HKN 2023 #HerminaCloser #CalmInHermina
Hermina's friend, do you feel pain while working? Then how to deal with it and how to handle it. The following YouTube link: Pain Management at Work - Part 2 Come on, let's find out more with Dr. M. Tsani Musyafa, SpOT is a specialist in orthopedics and traumatology at RSU Hermina Bogor....
Hello Hermina Friends 👋 Has joined RSU Hermina Purwokerto • dr. Hasan Rizky Benokri, Sp.THT-KL ENT-KL specialist RSU Hermina Purwokerto Get a doctor's practice schedule via - Hermina Mobile Apps - Hermina Hospital website To access services & registration at Hermina Purwokerto H...
I Give My Hands For Diabetes In World Diabetes Day, an event organized by Nutrifood together with RSU Hermina Padang to commemorate World Diabetes Day which falls on November 14 2023. This event was held on November 12 2023 which also coincides with National Health Day. This event was held at th...
Hermina's friend, does tonsillitis require immediate surgery? Is it true that tonsil removal surgery can affect the body's immunity? Hermina friends, in this episode of the Hermina Podcast, Dr. Mulyaningrum, Sp.T.H.T.K.L., will explain about tonsillitis and how to treat it. Watch in full on t...
Hermina Talks is an activity with the aim of providing health education and sharing information about services at RSU Hermina Kendari delivered by RSU Hermina Kendari doctors, Education regarding "Appendicitis, Should You Have Surgery?" presented by Dr. Okto Until Padang, Sp.B. This activity i...
Halo Sahabat Hermina Pemeriksaan Electroencephalography(EEG) digunakan untuk mengukur aktivitas listrik di otak, dengan menggunakan alat berbentuk cakram logam kecil (elektroda) yang terpasang pada kulit kepala. Pemeriksaan ini berfungsi untuk mendeteksi terjadinya gangguan epilepsiatau kondi...
Halo sahabat Hermina ..... RSU Hermina Manado dilengkapi dengan Poliklinik Rehabilitasi Medikdan tentunya dengan dokter-dokter spesialis kedokteran fisik dan rehabilitasiyang sangat berkompeten dibidangnya. Untuk sahabat hemrina yang memiliki keluhan berhubungan dengan penyakit saraf janga...
Hermina Talks is an activity with the aim of providing health education and sharing information about services at RSU Hermina Kendari delivered by doctors at RSU Hermina Kendari Education regarding "Maintaining heart health by lowering cholesterol levels" delivered by Dr. Ashaeryanto, MMedEd, S...
BNIPalembang mengadakanSosialisasi Kesehatan bersama Karyawan nya dengan tema “Metabolic Syndrome” dengan Narasumber dr. Amelia IStiqomah, SpPD bekerjasama dengan RS Hermina Palembangkaryawan yang hadir pada acara tersebut pada hari Senin 13 November 2023
Circumcision or what is better known as circumcision in Indonesia, is a surgical procedure to remove or cut the skin (foreskin) that covers the penis, which consists of muscle tissue and blood vessels. When the foreskin is removed, the opening of the urethra (outer urethral opening or urethra) a...
The recredentialing of RSU Hermina Padang together with BPJS Health Padang City was completed on Friday 10 November 2023. This recredentialing is an activity to verify and validate the suitability of RSU Hermina Padang in providing health services to the general public, especially JKN participan...