Cardiology Services at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Cardiology Services at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Hello Hermina Friends,
Did Friends of Hermina know that cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world? The World Health Organization (WHO) states that heart disease can prevent the prevention of risky behaviors, such as smoking, unhealthy diet and obesity, lack of physical activity, and harmful use of alcohol.

Heart and blood vessel health services at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital are equipped with a team of heart and blood vessel specialists. Friends of Hermina can also perform echocardiography (Heart Ultrasound) and treadmill checks to determine heart health.

It is important to detect it as early as possible. Come on, love your heart health by checking at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital!

Get information about Hermina Pandanaran Hospital services through the Customer Care Officer team (Sr. Tituk 089 617 767 76)
#Heart #USGHeart #Treadmill #PolyEksekutif #RSHerminaPandanaran #HerminaHospitals

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