Inauguration of the Special Counter for Mandiri Inhealth Participants at Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital
The inauguration of the Special Counter for Mandiri Inhealth Participants at Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital on Thursday, June 14, 2023, took place smoothly and lively. Opened with remarks from the Director of Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital, Dr. Rendra Fariadi. Followed by remarks from the Head of the Mandiri Inhealth Bandung Operational Office, Dr. Rony Prasojo Tri Handoko. The event was attended by around 30 invited guests from various leading companies in Tasikmalaya. The inauguration was carried out symbolically with ribbon scissors and the signing of the minutes by the Director of Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital, Dr. Rendra Fariadi, together with the Head of the Mandiri Inhealth Bandung Operational Office, Dr. Rony Prasojo Tri Handoko, and the Head of the Inhealth Cirebon Mandiri Service Office, Toni Hinandar. At the Inauguration of the Special Counter for Mandiri Inhealth Participants at Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital, Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital also presented a lay seminar with speaker Dr. Ryan Adrianto, Sp. PD, discussing the dangers of hypertension. All participants and invited guests participated enthusiastically in every series of events that lasted until the event ended. Dr. Rendra Fariadi, as the Director of Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital, welcomed the existence of a special counter for Mandiri InHealth participants to facilitate service for Mandiri InHealth insurance users and hoped that the collaboration between Mandiri InHealth and Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital would run well and Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital could provide the best service for participants or Mandiri insurance users.