Surgical Team of Hermina Padang Hospital

Surgical Team of Hermina Padang Hospital

RS Hermina Padang is a General Hospital that has several specialists and subspecialists, ranging from children, obstetrics, internal medicine, nerves, surgery, skin and genitals, mental health, heart and blood vessels, lungs, eyes, ENT, Nutrition, Medical Rehab, Dental, to Psychologist.

Here are the Surgeons at RS Hermina Padang:

General Surgeon Specialist

  • dr. Muhammad Nurhuda, Sp B
  • dr. Rahmens Syamun, Sp.B
  • dr. Tony Hardian, Sp.B

Neurosurgeon Specialist

  • dr. Ade Ricky Harahap, Sp.BS

Pediatric Surgeon Specialist

  • dr. Jon Effendi, Sp.B, Sp.BA(K)

Vascular Surgeon Specialist

  • dr. Hippocrates Kam, Sp.B (K)V
  • dr. Yudi Ichsan R, Sp. B, Subsp. BVE(K)

Urology Surgeon Specialist

  • dr. Peri Eriad Yunir, Sp.U
  • dr. Muhammad Fadhil A, Sp.U

Orthopedic Surgeon

  • dr. Ardian Riza, Sp OT, Mkes
  • dr. Mensyuknil Hasra, Sp.OT
  • dr. Taufik Akbar, Sp.OT


For polyclinic registration, you can go through:

  1. Halo hermina application
  2. Call Center 1500488
  3. website:
  4. JKN mobile application
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