Has joined the Internal Medicine Specialist team at Hermina Samarinda Hospital.

Has joined the Internal Medicine Specialist team at Hermina Samarinda Hospital.

Hermina Samarinda Hospital is proudly announcing the arrival of Dr. Bernie, Sp.Pd., as a new internal medicine specialist in our medical team. Dr. Bernie, with great expertise and experience in his field, will provide high-quality care to adult patients with various internal diseases. With a fri...

Has Joined a Paediatrician at Hermina Samarinda Hospital

Has Joined a Paediatrician at Hermina Samarinda Hospital

RS Hermina Samarinda is proud to announce the presence of Dr. Joko Purnomo Heroanto, Sp.A., CIMI, CBATR, a paediatrician who joined our medical team. With extensive experience and deep knowledge, Dr. Joko Purnomo Heroanto, Sp.A., CIMI, CBATR, is ready to provide the best care for our young patie...

Social Service in the Context of the 355th Anniversary of Samarinda City

Social Service in the Context of the 355th Anniversary of Samarinda City

On this occasion, Hermina Samarinda General Hospital had the opportunity to carry out social service activities and leisure walks in two sub-districts, namely Loa Bakung and Karang Asam Ilir. Apart from providing health checkup services, Hermina Samarinda General Hospital also participated in th...

Health Talk: "Sex Education at an Early Age"

Health Talk: "Sex Education at an Early Age"

At present, not a few people, both teenagers and adults, still consider things related to reproduction taboo, so this triggers a feeling of discomfort when discussing it and tends to avoid such topics. If this stigma is left unchecked and continues to develop in the community, it will have a ser...

Health Talk: "Early Detection and Management of Hydrocephalus"

Health Talk: "Early Detection and Management of Hydrocephalus"

Friends of Hermina, Hydrocephalus, or the accumulation of fluid in the brain that causes the baby's head to enlarge, can actually be prevented and detected in a simple way, namely by measuring head circumference. On this occasion, Hermina Hospital had the opportunity to participate in the Health...

Webinar "Antimicrobial Resistance Control Program"

Webinar "Antimicrobial Resistance Control Program"

The Friends of Hermina, Hermina Samarinda Hospital, together with KARS and ARSSI Kaltimtara, have held a WEBINAR "Antimicrobial Resistance Control Program" on October 29, 2022 at 09.00 WITA

Are White Spots on the Body Dangerous?

Are White Spots on the Body Dangerous?

Has anyone experienced or is experiencing white spots on their body or not? Do you think the spots are dangerous? Let's find out at the Health Talks event with Dr. Haken Tennizar, SpDV tomorrow afternoon at 14.00 on Islamic TV Samarinda.

Pre-eclampsia in Pregnant Women

Pre-eclampsia in Pregnant Women

Hello, Hermina's friends. Health Talks this time will discuss things that are very important and often experienced by pregnant women around us. We will discuss "Pre-eclampsia in Pregnant Women" with Dr. Muhammad Anggit, SpOG, live on TVRI Station, East Kalimantan, October 4, 2022 at 15.00 WITA. ...

Early Detection of Congenital Heart Disease in Children

Early Detection of Congenital Heart Disease in Children

Friends, it's back to our routine Health Talk activity where this time we will discuss "Early Detection of Congenital Heart Disease in Children" with Dr. Fatchul Wahab, SpA (K). This Saturday, October 1st at 13.00 WITA. Don't miss it.

Knowing the Parenting Pattern for Children with Special Needs

Knowing the Parenting Pattern for Children with Special Needs

Hello Friends of Hermina, Don't miss the live streaming on Friday, September 23, 2022 At 10.00 live on Instagram on @rsuherminasamarinda with our mainstay psychologist Yulia Purnamasari, M.Psi, we will discuss Knowing Parenting Patterns for Children with Special Needs.

Emergency Management System Services at Hermina Hospital Samarinda

Emergency Management System Services at Hermina Hospital Samarinda

Hermina Samarinda Hospital provides emergency services with an Integrated Emergency Management System. Friends of Hermina can contact the service at 0811-5500-118.

Post-Stroke Medical Rehabilitation

Post-Stroke Medical Rehabilitation

This Health Talk will discuss Post-Stroke Medical Rehabilitation with Dr. Tri Rahayu Septianingrum, SpKFR at 11.00 WITA Live on Instagram @rsuherminasamarinda. Don't miss it.

Displaying item 49-60 of 62 in total
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