RSU Hermina Solo Osteoporosis Counseling at PLN Office for Retired Wives

RSU Hermina Solo Osteoporosis Counseling at PLN Office for Retired Wives

Hermina's friends are certainly familiar with Osteoporosis, which means porous bones RSU Hermina Solo has held Osteoporosis counseling for PLN retired wives, the event has taken place on: Friday 09 September 2022 #QuietDiHermina #HerminaCloser #RSUHermina

RSU Hermina Solo Rapid Antigen Activities for BRI Employees KC Solo Baru

RSU Hermina Solo Rapid Antigen Activities for BRI Employees KC Solo Baru

RSU Hermina Solo Rapid Antigen Activities for BRI Employees KC Solo Baru What Happened, On: Friday 09 September 2022 #QuietDiHermina #HerminaCloser #RSUHerminaSolo

The Importance of Pregnancy Checkup in Trimesters 1, 2, and 3

The Importance of Pregnancy Checkup in Trimesters 1, 2, and 3

Hello Friends of Hermina, Don't miss the live streaming on Friday, September 16, 2022 at 14.00 on Islamic TV with the PMO Midwife, Hermina Samarinda. We will discuss the importance of antenatal care in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters.

Mini Medical Check Up Alumni of Bank Mandiri Malang Hermina Hospital Tangkubanprahu

Mini Medical Check Up Alumni of Bank Mandiri Malang Hermina Hospital Tangkubanprahu

Hermina Tangkubanpanprahu Hospital in collaboration with Mandiri Inheath carried out a Mini MCU (Medical Check Up) health check for alumni of Bank Mandiri Malang employees. The Mini MCU inspection activity is part of the retirement employee gathering held by Mandiri Health. The event started ...

Hospital Health Promotion with Network Midwives

Hospital Health Promotion with Network Midwives

Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital held a gathering which is usually held every month, this time it was held on September 9, 202. This activity was carried out to strengthen the ties of brotherhood between network midwives in Malang City. Thank you to all the amazing Midwives, who remain on the fro...

Malang City Ambulance Team Gathering

Malang City Ambulance Team Gathering

Hello Hermina Friends, Malang City Ambulance Association Gathering has been held together with Hermina Hospital Tangkubanprahu On September 08, 2022, a Gathering with the Malang City Ambulance Community was held at Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital. This event was held in an effort to convey the ...

Hermina Talks "Know More What is a Prosthodontic Dentist"

Hermina Talks "Know More What is a Prosthodontic Dentist"

Hermina Friends, Let's watch "Know More What is a Prosthodontic Dentist" on the IG Live Hermina Talks program with drg. Fajar Kartika, SpPros is a Prosthodontic Specialist Dentist at Hermina Hospital, Bogor. Day : Thrusday, 15September 2022 Time : 16.00 _ Stay healthy Friend H...

Panoramic X-Ray at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

Panoramic X-Ray at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

Problems with Hermina's Friend's Teeth? Currently, Dental Services at RSU Hermina Kemayoran are increasingly complete with panoramic/dental X-ray services. Friends of Hermina can immediately go to the Dental Polyclinic of RSU Hermina Kemayoran to get the right treatment. Panoramic X-Ray aims to ...

Hermina Talks "Tips to Prevent Injury During Sports"

Hermina Talks "Tips to Prevent Injury During Sports"

Hermina Friends, Let's watch "Tips to Prevent Injury During Sports" on the IG Live Hermina Talks program with Ayunda Nurrahmah, A.Md Ft, and Siti Azhar Utami, S.Tr. Her is a physiotherapy therapist for the growth and development clinic at Hermina Hospital, Bogor. Day : Monday, 12 Septe...

Visitation Event for the Implementation of Dialysis Services from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

Visitation Event for the Implementation of Dialysis Services from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

The Ministry of Health visited Hermina Hospital Depok to see the condition of the Hemodialysis service at Hermina Hospital Depok, the visit was to improve services for hemodialysis patients, hopefully in the future Hermina Depok Hospital can be better at handling hemodialysis patients.



Hello Hermina Friends... - Echocardiography (ECHO) is a medical device to examine the structure and function of the heart using ultrasonic waves. Through Echocardiography, doctors can examine parts of the heart to help make a diagnosis in patients with heart disease. The parts that are examin...

Gathering of Level I Health Facilities at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Gathering of Level I Health Facilities at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Hello Hermina Friends RSU Hermina Pandanaran held a Level I Health Facilities Gathering inviting health center doctors and level 1 health facilities on Thursday, September 1, 2022. Hermina Pandanaran General Hospital is the 8th Branch of the Hermina Hospitals Group which currently has 44 bran...

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