Happy National Customer Day

Happy National Customer Day

Happy National Customer Day, Hermina Friends! Thank you for choosing Hermina Hospital as the health service of choice for Sahabat Hermina. Hermina Hospital will continue to provide the best health services optimally for you and your family #NationalCustomerDay #TenangDiHermina #HerminaF...

Health Talks "Knowing Depression Causes Mental Down"

Health Talks "Knowing Depression Causes Mental Down"

Hello Friends of Hermina, let's take a look at the Health Talks about Recognizing Depression that Causes Mental Down with Mental Health Specialist Dr. Eka Yuni Nugrahayu, SpKJ

Medical Acupuncture Services Hermina Hospital Bogor

Medical Acupuncture Services Hermina Hospital Bogor

Hermina's friend Medical acupuncture is a branch of physical medicine that utilizes acupuncture stimulation techniques and is integrated with modern medical science. Acupuncture has several benefits, including: For aesthetics and beauty: remove wrinkles, black spots, baldness, tighten ...

Getting to know the Nicu/Picu/Perina Service

Getting to know the Nicu/Picu/Perina Service

Let's watch "Knowing Hemodialysis Services" on the IG Hermina Talks program with Sr. Dwi Nila Sari, who is a nurse at Hermina Hospital, Bogor. Watch the replay on Instagram.@rsuherminabogor (https://www.instagram.com/p/ChuOPfrhQmx/) _ Stay healthy Friend Hermina _ Enjoy the conv...

Grand Opening of Oncology and Radiotherapy Service Center Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Grand Opening of Oncology and Radiotherapy Service Center Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Established in 1997, now Hermina Bekasi Hospital provides superior services in the field of comprehensive cancer treatment, with the latest methods supported by advanced technology, namely Oncology and Radiotherapy Services. The Grand Opening of Oncology and Radiotherapy Services will be held o...

Seminar "Getting to Know Digestive & Eye Surgery Diseases" at Hermina Hospital Karawang

Seminar "Getting to Know Digestive & Eye Surgery Diseases" at Hermina Hospital Karawang

Tuesday, August 30, 2022 Hermina Hospital held a Healthtalk Seminar with the theme "Getting to Know Digestive & Eye Surgery Diseases". This seminar was attended by 30 members of PSM (Community Social Workers) from various regions of Karawang Regency. This event was held at lt. 3 function ...

The festivities of the 77th RI Anniversary at Hermina Hospital Depok

The festivities of the 77th RI Anniversary at Hermina Hospital Depok

In commemoration of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day, the staff and management of Hermina Hospital Depok held a competition to celebrate Indonesia's independence. hopefully in this competition can strengthen us. Recover Faster, Rise Stronger

Hermina Hospital Depok Received the BPJS Award as: "The Hospital With The Best Quality Improvement Response and Facilities During Semester 1 of 2022"

Hermina Hospital Depok Received the BPJS Award as: "The Hospital With The Best Quality Improvement Response and Facilities During Semester 1 of 2022"

Thank you BPJS Health for giving the award, hopefully in the future Hermina Depok Hospital can be better than before.

Perbedaan USG

Perbedaan USG

Hallo Sahabat Hermina... Ayo Konsultasikan Kesehatan Kandungan Bunda di RS Umum Hermina Manado bersama dengan dokter-dokter kandungan terbaik di Manado ✨ ============================= Membuat appoitment konsultasi dengan dokter spesialis dan Informasi lebih lanjut bisa melalui : 1. Hermina...

RSU Hermina Pandanaran Passed Plenary Accreditation!

RSU Hermina Pandanaran Passed Plenary Accreditation!

RSU Hermina Pandanaran PASSED the Accreditation at Plenary Level according to STARKES 2022. RSU Hermina Pandanaran is committed to continuously improving the quality of service and patient safety so that it can serve the community, especially in Semarang, better. Hermina Pandanaran Hospita...

Hermina Solo Hospital Activities Antigen for BRI Employees at the Best Western Solo Baru Hotel

Hermina Solo Hospital Activities Antigen for BRI Employees at the Best Western Solo Baru Hotel

Rapid Antigen Activities for BRI Employees Have Been Held On: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 At the New Best Western Solo Hotel #QuietDiHermina #HerminaCloser #RSUHerminaSolo

Counseling Monkeypox RSU Hermina Solo at Bank Indonesia with resource person Dr. Intan Rengganis, SpPD

Counseling Monkeypox RSU Hermina Solo at Bank Indonesia with resource person Dr. Intan Rengganis, SpPD

Monkeypox or often referred to as monkey pox, has recently been enough to make the whole world restless, including Indonesia. Counseling Monkeypox RSU Hermina Solo at Bank Indonesia with resource person Dr. Intan Rengganis, SpPD Has been held on: Thursday 18 August 2022 #Quiet...

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