Edukasi Karies Gigi

Edukasi Karies Gigi

Hallo Sahabat Hermina.... Ayo kita Kenali Proses terjadinya Karies Gigi agar kita terhindar dari Karies. #aman#nyaman#tenang#herminamanado

Manfaat MCU

Manfaat MCU

Hallo Sahabat Hermina, ayo cari tau apa si manfaat untukkita jika kita rutinmelakukan MCU sesuai dengan usia kita

Manfaat MCU

Manfaat MCU

Hallo Sahabat Hermina, ayo cari tau apa si manfaat untukkita jika kita rutinmelakukan MCU sesuai dengan usia kita

 Hermina Pandanaran Hospital Growth and Development Clinic

Hermina Pandanaran Hospital Growth and Development Clinic

Hermina Pandanaran Hospital's growth and development clinic is here to serve parents and children who are at risk of developmental disorders. The whole team will try to find the problem and provide appropriate treatment. Through treatment at this growth and development clinic, children can get c...

Specialist Dental Clinic Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Specialist Dental Clinic Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Dental Health Services at the Hermina Pandanaran Hospital Polyclinic is one of the leading services that focuses on dental health. Dental Health Services are served by doctors and dental nurses who have clinical and practical experience for years and have the qualifications of medical and non-me...

Panoramic Examination at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Panoramic Examination at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Hello Hermina Friends Problems with Hermina's Friend's Teeth? Currently, dental services at RSU Hermina Pandanaran are increasingly complete with panoramic/dental x-ray services. Friends can immediately go to the Dental Polyclinic of RSU Hermina Pandanaran to get the right treatment. Panoram...

Executive Service Officer Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Executive Service Officer Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Hello Hermina Friends, For outpatient and inpatient health services, Hermina Pandanaran Hospital provides convenience for executive services with a Team of Executive Service Officers who will provide information on outpatient or inpatient services for patients with personal, insurance and cor...



Hallo Sahabat Hermina... Di masa pandemi covid-19 seperti ini terjadi peningkatan jumlah kasus anak berkebutuhan khusus, salah satu penyebabnya adalah kurangnya stimulus sensory pada anak karena adanya pembatasan berkegiatan. Upaya yang bisa dilakukan oleh orang tua yaitu memberikan pelayanan ...

 IG Healtalks bersama drg. Hafina Sari

 IG Healtalks bersama drg. Hafina Sari

IG Healtalks bersama drg. Hafina Sari

IG Live Healt Talks

IG Live Healt Talks

IG Healttalks bersama dr. Kamal Anas,SpB

Hermina Talks

Hermina Talks

Join the Public Seminar of Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital Theme : Healthy Skin Before, During & After Hajj Speaker : dr. Prida Ayudianti, Sp. KK Friday, June 24, 2022 Time : 09.00-10.00 *FREE Registration :

Hermina Goes To School

Hermina Goes To School

The Hermina Goes To School activity is an activity held by Hermina Tagkubanprahu Hospital in an effort to educate and carry out health checks for students at school. This time it was held at KB & TK Laboratory UM on 16 June 2022, and filled by drg. Setyaningrum Kusumawardani, Sp. KGA which p...

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