Sosialisasi Kesehatan Karyawan Bank Indonesia dengan tema  “Kolesterol dan Trigliserid, Kawan atau Lawan?”  Narasumber  dr. Shinta Suherno, SpPD bersama  RS Hermina Palembang

Sosialisasi Kesehatan Karyawan Bank Indonesia dengan tema “Kolesterol dan Trigliserid, Kawan atau Lawan?” Narasumber dr. Shinta Suherno, SpPD bersama RS Hermina Palembang

Bank Indonesia Palembang mengadakanSosialisasi Kesehatan bersama Karyawan Bank Indonesia dengan tema “Kolesterol dan Trigliserid, Kawan atau Lawan?” dengan Narasumber dr. Shinta Suherno, SpPD bekerjasama dengan RS Hermina Palembang di buka dengan sambutan Kepala Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Provins...

HERMINA PODCAST: What Happens to Mothers Who Experience Baby Blues Syndrome?

HERMINA PODCAST: What Happens to Mothers Who Experience Baby Blues Syndrome?

To the point of hurting the baby and herself, what actually happens to mothers who experience Baby Blues Syndrome? How to deal with it and can it be treated? Hermina's friends, this episode of the Hermina Podcast is Dr. Nina Masdiani, Sp.KJ who is a Psychiatrist at Hermina Ciputat Hospital wi...

Launching Pelayanan Return To Work Center RSU Hermina Medan

Launching Pelayanan Return To Work Center RSU Hermina Medan

Selasa 26 September 2023, RSU Hermina Medan resmi membuka pelayanan " Return To Work Center & Trauma Center" Peresmian ini disupport dan diresmikan langsung oleh Wakil kepala dinas BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Kota Medan dan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Medan yang diwakilkan oleh kepala seksi K3, dengan dib...

Handwashing Compliance of Staff at Hermina Grand Wisata Hospital January - August 2023

Handwashing Compliance of Staff at Hermina Grand Wisata Hospital January - August 2023

Analysis: Average achievement of handwashing compliance in the period January - August 2023: 92%. When compared to the target achievement of the National Quality Indicator (INM): ≥ 85%, the achievement of hand washing compliance is still above the target value. Efforts that have been made for...

Hermina Padang Hospital Wins First Best Award from BPJS Health

Hermina Padang Hospital Wins First Best Award from BPJS Health

RSU Hermina Padang won the Best First Award for FKRTL Compliance in the BPJS Health Work Area, Padang Branch Office in 2023. This award was received directly by the Director of the Hospital, Dr. Nanik Supriani, MARS on September 25th, 2023 at the Mercure Hotel Padang.

Webinar Dokter

Webinar Dokter

Hallo Sahabat Hermina Bitung, Kami dari RS Hermina Bitung mengadakan *webinar dokter* yang akan membahas *Emergency Management of Traumatic Brain Injury* salah satu layanan unggulan di RS Hermina Bitung Webinar akan diadakan pada: 🩺 Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 4 Oktober 2023 🩺 09:00 AM - 13:00...

Radio Broadcast on Suara Salatiga 99.9 FM Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnant Women

Radio Broadcast on Suara Salatiga 99.9 FM Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnant Women

Hi Sahabat hermina Radio Broadcast on Suara Salatiga 99.9 FM on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 10:00 WIB. The program will be hosted by Dr. Diah Adhiyani Sp.OG and the topic to be discussed is "Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnant Women". Doctor of RSIA Hermina Mutiara Bunda Salatiga



Hi Friends of Hermina, Saturday, September 23, 2023 we will join the pregnant women of Posyandu Metland 10A at Cluster Batavia .... Prenatal Class which contains Childbirth Preparation Education, Blood Sugar Test, Fetal Heart Rate Check and continued with Pregnancy Fun which of course guided by ...



To enhance engagement with community representatives, especially in the Serang district, RS Hermina Ciruas invited representatives of each sub-district in the Serang district for a gathering and discussion regarding the healthcare programs at RS Hermina Ciruas. As a healthcare facility in the Se...

Webbinar What is Complementary Feeding? How to Properly Feed Infants

Webbinar What is Complementary Feeding? How to Properly Feed Infants

Hello Friends of Hermina, Let's join this webinar and get information about complementary food from pediatricians who are competent in evaluating children's growth and development. 📢 *Seminar on complementary feeding with Dr. Afriliana Mulyani Sp.A* 🍼 📅 Saturday, September 30th, 2023 ⏰ 8....

Sunday Clinic

Sunday Clinic

Confused about finding specialist doctors on Sundays and national holidays? RS Hermina Ciruas REMAINS OPEN on SUNDAYS & NATIONAL HOLIDAYS. Let's consult your health with RS Hermina Ciruas. Check our complete schedule on our Instagram @rsuherminaciruas (Click Here) and other health infor...

"Bakti Sosial USG Gratis Dalam Rangka DIES Natalis  FK UNSRI ke 61 Bersama RS Hermina Palembang"

"Bakti Sosial USG Gratis Dalam Rangka DIES Natalis FK UNSRI ke 61 Bersama RS Hermina Palembang"

Dalam rangka DIES Natalis FK UNSRI ke 61 Tahun bersama RS Hermina Palembang mengadakan Bakti Sosial USG Gratis pada hari jumat 22 September 2023 di Poli Padma Lantai 3 RS Hermina Palembang di ikuti 52peserta USG dan di bantu 3 Dokter obgyn yaitu dr. Erliyana Tolu, SpOG, dr. Meidina Rahma, SpOG, ...

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