Padang Pasir  Health Center Basic Life Support Training

Padang Pasir Health Center Basic Life Support Training

The Blue Team of RSU Hermina Padang held basic life support training at the Padang Pasir Community Health Center on Monday 18 September 2023. This activity was held directly in the multi-purpose hall of the Padang Pasir Community Health Center and was attended by Medical and Non-Medical Staff.

Healthy Check by RSU Hermina Karawang at Event Sosial Fest Bhineka Yodha

Healthy Check by RSU Hermina Karawang at Event Sosial Fest Bhineka Yodha

Health Check by RSU Hermina Karawang at the Bhineka Yodha Fest Social Event on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. To support this program, RSU Hermina Karawang provides a consultation corner with services, health screening, free Time Blood Sugar (GDS) checks and f...

Basic Life Support Training with PT AWI

Basic Life Support Training with PT AWI

Hermina Karawang Hospital provides Basic Life Support Training at (BHD) PT Akashi Wahana Indonesia, with training carried out as follows, - Presentation related to BHD socialization delivered by Dr. Rahmi (as speaker) - Practice the BHD stages properly and correctly - POST Test of the material p...

Open Booth Healty Screening, Socialization of Hermina Hospital at ARSSI 2023

Open Booth Healty Screening, Socialization of Hermina Hospital at ARSSI 2023

The Indonesian Private Hospital Association (ARSSI) held the National Seminar X - Health Care Expo VIII, Hermina Hospital participated. An open booth that provides health checks in the form of health screenings, Temporary Blood Sugar (GDS) checks to visitors who are present and provides interest...

Hermina Solo Hospital Activities Yoga Exercises for Pregnant Women

Hermina Solo Hospital Activities Yoga Exercises for Pregnant Women

On September 16 2023, Hermina Solo Hospital held a Yoga Exercise activity for Pregnant Women which was held every Saturday. Implementation: Every Saturday, in the Multipurpose Room, 7th Floor, Hermina Hospital, Solo Cost 25 thousand per 1x exercise Registration at the link:

Hermina Solo MCU GDS Hospital Activities for PLN Pensioners

Hermina Solo MCU GDS Hospital Activities for PLN Pensioners

Hermina's friend... On September 16 2023, Hermina Solo Hospital held an MCU GDS activity for PLN Pensioners. #MCU #RSHerminaSolo #CalmInHermina #HerminaCloser

RS Hermina Solo Gathering with PIC Health Facilities, Insurance and Companies

RS Hermina Solo Gathering with PIC Health Facilities, Insurance and Companies

On September 16 2023, Hermina Solo Hospital held a Gathering with the PIC of Health Facilities, Insurance and Companies. This gathering discussed Priority Stroke Services with resource person Dr. Rivan Danuaji, Sp. N (K), M.Kes and Dr. Yetty Hambarsari, Sp.S(K) M.Kes #StrokePriorityService ...

Healthy Exercise & Blood Donation at RSU Hermina Kendari

Healthy Exercise & Blood Donation at RSU Hermina Kendari

Hayyy friends of Hermina, in order to organize National PMI Day and National Sports Day held by RSU Hermina Kendari on Saturday 9 September 2023, RSU Hermina Kendari held healthy exercise and blood donation activities which were participated in by the people of Kendari city Hopefully this activ...

 Midwife Gathering at Karawang Region

Midwife Gathering at Karawang Region

RSU Hermina Karawang held a gathering of all midwives from the district. Karawang, I socialize to midwives about services, facilities, as well as consultations regarding cases that occur with ob-gyn specialist, dr. Radiastomo, Sp.OG. The event took place with excitement and was full of interesti...

Care for Cataracts with an Eye Examination with Dr. Azaia Latuasan, Sp.M

Care for Cataracts with an Eye Examination with Dr. Azaia Latuasan, Sp.M

Caring for Cataract Eyes in a series of programs at Posbindu Peruri to support this program, RSU Hermina Karawang collaborates, providing a free mini MCU consultation corner with services, health screening, Temporary Blood Sugar (GDS) checks, Blood Pressure Checks, in addition to cataract eye ex...

Free GDS Checks & Health Screenings with Lotus Lakes Open

Free GDS Checks & Health Screenings with Lotus Lakes Open

For priority members, Lates Lotus is organizing a Lates Lotus Open Event to deliver the finest service possible. Hermina Karawang Hospital offers a consultation corner with services, health screenings, free temporary blood sugar (GDS) testing, and appealing incentives for priority members to sup...

Health Screening, Free GDS Check with Miracle of Summerland

Health Screening, Free GDS Check with Miracle of Summerland

Miracle of Summerland held an event, to support this program RSU Hermina Karawang collaborated, providing a free consultation corner with services, health screening, Timely Blood Sugar (GDS) checks, to visitors who were present and providing an interesting gimmick. Apart from these examinations,...

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